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About Us

Who are We?

The Illinois Valley Watershed Council (IVWC) was created by residents of the watershed in 1994, and is a community organization that promotes voluntary actions to improve the health of the watershed.  The Council was originally formed due to initial concerns of agriculture regulations and the listing of threatened fish species, namely the Coho Salmon.  The activities of the Council are guided by our mission statement, bylaws, and policies.

The primary goals of the IVWC include sharing information, coordinating restoration and protection actions to help address watershed management issues in the Illinois Valley, reducing the duplication of activities, and providing a framework for coordination and cooperation among key interests.  Council membership is open to any person who owns land or lives in or is an agent of lessee of a property owner in the Illinois Valley watershed and its tributaries.  The Council earned 501(c)3 non-profit status in 2014, and currently a Board of Directors of 14 members from diverse interests and geographic regions of the watershed serves as the decision-making body.

Mission of the Illinois Valley Watershed Council

We collaborate with our community to restore, enhance, and sustain the health of the Illinois Valley Watershed. Water is life and healthy watersheds sustain life.

IVWC Core Values – We Value….

·        Data and science driven information and processes.

·        Knowledge, communication, learning and teaching.

·        Collaboration.

·        Community engagement.

·        Proven processes.

·        Measured progress.

·        Acknowledgement that all parts of the watershed are connected and interdependent.

·        Respectfulness.

·        An inclusive community.

·        Openness, honesty, and transparency.


Value Statement

“We acknowledge that the previous indigenous cultures that have existed for thousands of years, practiced humility and respect for this great matrix, our Earth, this place. 


We hope that we can return to the practice of humility and respect for our earth, so that “restore, enhance and sustain” will take their rightful place as the natural outflows of a healthy, thriving, living earth system.


We believe that the council is engaged in a sacred and ancient trust by acting as guardians for the great matrix of interdependent life we call Earth.   We as humans are an extremely small part of that matrix.  Our pledge and mission is to “restore, enhance and sustain” and is necessary because of our culture’s actions.”


What is a Watershed Council?

Oregon’s watershed councils emerged from House Bill 3441, which passed in 1995.  Under this resolution, watershed councils must be locally organized, voluntary and non-regulatory.  Watershed Councils are part of the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds, which is an effort to recover threatened and endangered salmon and steelhead populations and to meet federal water quality standards.  More information is available through the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board.

How can you help?

The IV Watershed Council is run by a volunteer board of directors. If you believe in our mission and have a few hours a month to give, we welcome you to apply for a seat on our board. 

If your time is limited, please consider a donation to increase our capacity to serve this valley. Like many non-profits, we are limited by our ability to raise funds. We are primarily grant funded. Most of our projects are the result of many hours of meeting with partners and landowners, developing plans and grant writing for the funds to complete them. Your donation will allow us to keep the lights on while we seek the funding for our projects. 

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